Aloha~All White Friday~Bliss

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Greetings & Welcome... I am Kaliq Rashad... Artist & Author of  "The Rhythm of Art and Poetry."
This book (which is my first) is a collection of my illustrations, paintings, photographs & poetry.
Together, these works of art produce a tasteful blend of passion and harmony. Actually, this artwork has been created, produced and gathered throughout my years traveling on this mystical journey called life. Certainly, this artistic work is an on going process of creativity. It is a past, future and present tense project.  Furthermore, I believe that it is inspired by The Divine One...
Supreme Being. You know...? The One with many names...? 
Well, I hope when the book is released... it reaches the Divine in You... because that's what inspires me too.
Peace & Blessings... With A Love Supreme